KARAGWE 2020 – Day 5

The ETI / KAD Summit Conference is going so well. Highlights are:

— Reconnecting with friends and partners, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania (ELCT) Karagwe Diocese (KAD);

— The presentation of Bruce Engel’s work about which Bishop said, “If 80% of this comes true, it will be a masterpiece”.

— Visiting KARUCO and getting to know staff and students. Seeing momentum build with the KARUCO family;

— Introducing Sohan Das to Karagwe. Having his expertise in solar on hand. Hearing stories of his youth in India and seeing parallels to life in Karagwe;

— Absorbing all (most / some) there is to learn from the EVS guys, Steve and Sohan, regarding solar. Discussing energy priorities with KAD;

— Being cared for by a gentle and kind staff at the Karagwe Hotel.



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1 Comment

  1. Al on January 29, 2020 at 1:24 pm

    I remember somewhat wistfully the years I spent living off the grid, and can imagine the improvements in efficiency since then that make your solar installation(s) magical by comparison.

    May your journey in Karagwe continue to be blessed with cooperation, with imagination, and with successes large and small.

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